Thursday, April 28, 2016

5 Traits Of An Azulejos Painter That You Need, To Be Cut Out For The Job

So you think you have what it takes to be a traditional azulejos painter? It's more than stable hands to get the job done. As a profession you're not only required to create but also assigned to restoration projects to preserve this traditional art.

1: Patience
You can't rush art. You will find yourself restoring a century's old work of art. And these work of art can consist of 3000 - 4000 tiles which require you to remove, repaint and restore.


2: Willingness to learn
Azulejos painting isn't taught in ceramic schools in Portugal. The only way to learn this traditional art is from the old masters.


3: Dedication
It's never one time off learning experience to be an expert in azulejos painting. It's never a done deal. Like a blade, that requires constant sharpening and so would cut. So the skill needs to be practiced and polish every now and then.


4: Enjoy Teaching
There comes a point where you feel you've reached a certain level in painting, it's important to pass it on to those people or student wanting to learn this traditional art. It's also a heritage worth preserving.


5: Passion
They say passion is a fuel that keeps the fire burning. Passion is what keeps all these other traits mentioned, in check.


Lastly, I like to share this video of an azulejos painter, Anabela Cardoso who shares with us her story on Mode.

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